The issue of conversion has been such that the leaders of Hindu and Christian communities kept speaking on it, but no organized voice ever came out against it from within the tribal society. Whenever attempts were made, they were foiled politically. However, once again the demand has started rising from some tribal dominated states of the country that the tribals who have adopted Christian or Muslim religion should be removed from the status of Scheduled Tribe. Such tribals should also be removed from the constitutional rights given to STs.
Keep in mind, the main people making the demand have mentioned Christianity and Muslim religion, but they are not saying that the tribals who have adopted Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist or Jain religion should also be excluded from ST status.
Delisting campaign and its connection with RSS
Let us tell you that in the year 2020, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat had said that in the upcoming census, write your religion as Hindu in the tribal religion column, for this the Sangh will run a campaign across the country.
After this statement, in December 2021, a rally was organized by ‘Janjati Suraksha Manch’ in Arunachal Pradesh for ‘delisting of tribals’. After this, in December 2021, BJP leaders Gajendra Singh Patel and Nishikant Dubey brought a proposal in the Parliament that the provision of reservation for tribals who have converted should be abolished.
In protest against this, ‘Arunachal Pradesh Christian Forum’ had met CM Pema Khandu in Arunachal Pradesh in February 2022. In which the CM had said that there is no such provision by which tribals who have become Christians can be removed from the ST list. In May, under the banner of Christian Adivasi Mahasabha, it had expressed its protest by holding rallies in Jashpur, Pathalgaon and Kansabel of Chhattisgarh.
The demand for delisting the converted tribals is 50 years old. In which the case of Karthik Oraon vs David Munjani vs others was filed in Patna High Court on 14 November 1963. However, Patna High Court had given judgment in favor of Christian tribals.
We are teaching you the story of that day in the Lok Sabha, when Karthik Oraon raised this issue prominently in front of the Indira government. Here are some excerpts from the debate taken from the Lok Sabha proceedings…
(Abolition of special facilities given to tribal people after religious conversion)
Date 05-08-1979 Oral Answer
Om Prakash Tyagi – Will the Minister of Law and Social Welfare be pleased to state:
- Is it true that While announcing its decision on shri S. Rajagopalan’s election petition, the Supreme Court had expressed the opinion that no person belonging to a tribal caste is entitled to the special facilities given to the people of the tribal caste after religious conversion. Because after converting religion he is no longer a member of the primitive caste.
- If yes, then does the Government propose to end the special facilities provided till now to those people of tribal caste who have converted to religion in pursuance of the above decision of the Supreme Court?
- If not, what is the reason for this?
Deputy Minister in the Department of Social Welfare and Ministry of Law (Shri Mutyal Rao) – (a) The relevant decision does not appear to support what has been observed by the Honorable Member. (b) and (c) have not been raised.
Om Prakash Tyagi – The election petition of Shri Rajagopalan was canceled on the basis that he had converted to Christianity and the High Court judge while giving his decision had said that since he has converted to religion and is no longer a tribe , Therefore his petition is rejected. Now the government says that it does not arise here. This thing has not been understood. Because he had converted. Because of this he was no longer tribal. They could become Christian or Muslim or Hindu. The special assistance given by the government. That assistance is given to Scheduled Caste and Primitive Caste people and also to those who have converted to religion. In the light of this judgment it becomes illegal. That help makes no sense. He is illegitimate and anyone can file a writ against him. I would like to know whether the Government has stopped that assistance in the light of this judgment and if not, then you intend to make any changes in your law in such a way that those who convert to religion do not get assistance. So that the right work can be done as per the judgment?
Mutyal Rao – Actually the question has been asked in a wrong way. Shri Rajagopalan does not belong to Scheduled Tribe, he belongs to Scheduled Caste. You know that separate seats have been reserved for Scheduled Caste people and Scheduled Tribe people. In this case, his election was challenged by his opponent and the senior judge gave a decision against him. They get facilities, they have nothing to do with them. But you know that different intentions have been made for the Scheduled Tribes and honorable members know that both of them have been given different facilities in the Constitution. This thing should remain in one’s heart and mind that when any person changes his opinion, his schedule remains cast. But this does not apply only to Scheduled Tribes. Does not apply to them.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee – Should be.
Mutyal Rao- I accept this. That can be thought about. Since there is such a thing in the Constitution, I am forced to do this at this time. But this can be thought about and a decision can be taken after thinking about it.
Om Prakash Tyagi – I thank the Minister that he has accepted this in principle. But I want to say one special thing. The assistance given to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Castes. It is given on two grounds, economic backwardness and social backwardness. Economic backwardness will be found among Hindus, Muslims, Christians etc., but social backwardness is a special thing, due to which both are being given assistance. If a Scheduled Caste person changes his religion, then assistance to him is stopped. But a man from Scheduled Tribe does this, converts. However, their religion, their culture etc. everything changes. But this thing does not apply to them. You have felt that both should be made to stand on equal footing. I know that you are going to make a new effort to remove this ongoing discrimination and will you try to bring both of them on equal footing by changing the law.
Mutyal Rao – The government is ready to look into this.
Karthik Oraon – The Scheduled Castes and Tribes who had converted to Christianity under the Government of India Act, 1919 and 1935. They were called Indian Christians. He enjoyed all the privileges till 1952. And those who believed in tribal religion were called “backward tribe”. At that time he was not given any kind of facility. The new constitution that came into effect in 1950 did not make any provisions for Indian Christians. Because they were more advanced socially, educationally and economically. Even the upper castes were and are more politically aware than Hindus and Muslims.
Deputy Speaker – Will you please come to the question, because time is over.
Kartik Oraon – The national government has made a special provision for backward tribes in the form of Scheduled Tribes. But by the irony of fate till date 5.53 percent Indian Christians are participating in 75-85 percent central services. 60% foreign scholarship and 90% state service and matriculation scholarship, that too at the cost of blatant exploitation of 94.47% of the genuine Scheduled Tribes.
Karthik Oraon – I want to know from the government about this, whether they have any notification, that is to say, the castes and tribes ruled by the Indian Christian Scheduled Castes, after the end of the privileges of the Indian Christians, on this basis, they will be included in the Scheduled Castes and Tribes. Where they come from will disappear. If yes, what is it? If not, I would like to know that authority. Under which the government is violating the provisions of the Constitution in letter and spirit.
The question is still the same. Amidst the cunning tactics of Congress-BJP to draw the tribals into their fold, will there be a serious discussion on the issues that have been raised by the tribals for decades? Will the leaders of Hindu, Muslim and Christian religions be able to mentally prepare themselves to accept the tribalism of the tribals while apologizing for their organized religious conversion? Will organized conversion of tribals stop? Now the tribal society will have to prepare its own answer without relying on anyone else.